When I decided to start blogging seriously here on Confused and Terrified Writer I thought about what topic I really wanted to focus on. I’ve been kind of scattered here, really wanting to help my author friends with so many of their problems that came along with being a productive author and business owner but this blog was not coming together in a cohesive way at all. Too many topics and not enough content. And then throw in selling my house and a move across the country and you
A stalled blog!
So, leading into the new year I thought for some time about what this blog should be. What would help my readers the most? And while thinking about what topics I love to talk about with other writers one came to mind right away.
Wait! Don’t start groaning and thinking I’m leading you down one more path of social media planning and overwhelm. I’m not. I promise. Would I lie to you?
That reaction is the typical one I get from authors who already feel like social media takes way too much time away from their writing. I’m right there with you. Even though I teach people how to use social media, I wish I didn’t have to think about it, feel guilty about not doing it, or overwhelmed with what on earth I’m going to post on it.
But here is the secret…
Pinterest isn’t a social media platform.
I’m sorry what did you say, Elena?
You heard me. It’s not social media.
Then what on earth is it?
Shh, I’m going to tell you:
It’s a search engine.
A big, beautiful, VISUAL search engine.
Yes and there are some really fantastic reasons why you need to be there.
A lot.
Here they are:
- It’s the number TWO search engine behind Google. That’s huge. More on this later.
- It’s completely underused by author
- It’s free
- It’s where your reader’s are hanging out looking for what they want to do next.
- You don’t have to interact with anyone or be chatty on Pinterest. An introvert’s dream
Now do you see?
The downside, of course, (there is always at least one) is that some of us aren’t exactly gifted in the visual creation department. (Waving madly over here) but there are so many free tools to help us create beautiful pins about our stories that it’s easier than it’s ever been.
Now why am I sharing this with you and not just keeping it to myself and going on my way? One of the things I’ve realized about myself is that I love to help people, I love to teach others stuff that will help them in life and their business, and I really love Pinterest. It’s my absolute favorite platform.
I know I said it’s not social media and it isn’t but it is still a way to put yourself out there so… same, same right? There is still planning involved. However, I would much rather spend my time figuring out the best way to put myself out there on Pinterest than Facebook, Twitter or Instagram than any other. I like all those and they have their place but Pinterest is just plain fun. I’m also going to show you a way to batch your content to make it fast and easy but again, more on that later.
In the next month and a
Full disclosure: at the end of that time I’m going to invite you to take my Pinterest class (starting Feb 11th) through the Orange County Chapter of RWA. It’s super cheap (Like $35? Or something?) and it’s the cheapest it will ever be again. This will be my beta run for the class and after that time it will go live and go up in price. We will have a private Facebook group for the class. In the group, we’ll talk all about Pinterest and help each other plan what to Pin and compare what works and what doesn’t. Trust me, it’s fun.,
That’s it for now. I hope I convinced you to come back and learn more about how to use Pinterest for your author business. This Thursday, January 3rd in my next blog post I’m going to talk about traffic and how Pinterest became my number one traffic driver. Also, how you can do the same for your blog so come back then and check it out!
Until then,
Write On my lovelies, Write On!